What’s a Barenaked Chef?

A Barenaked Chef is…me!  I love getting the magazines with the Top 10, Best of the City, Don’t Miss and Favorites list.  I watch all of the TV shows that tell me where to vacation and what to eat.  I love recommendations and so I am passing them on to you.  I will try to give you my original sources when at all possible!

So, the name…am I a freak?  Not on your life.  I love the Barenaked Ladies and Jamie Oliver (who used to be called “The Naked Chef) so, you know…I just combined the two.  Nothing freaky about that, right.  Please, don’t send me comments about cooking bacon in the buff, that joke has been played out.  So…the real me:

I went to college at the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa.  Even though I admit I’m not a huge fan of sports, I always root for the Tide!  My degree is in Human Development and my concentration is on Child Development.

I spend a lot of time online.  I am very active on several sites, but Facebook is a favorite.   I also write reviews on Yelp.

I also dearly love to cook.  I’ve actually had quite a few recipes published in Taste of HomeSimple and Delicious, and Healthy Cooking.  I post all of my recipes online at Genius Kitchen.  Have a look at them!

One more important thing I’d like you to know about me is that I support the March of Dimes.  Everyone can benefit from the great things this organization does for babies, but never was it so evident to me personally until I had my own premature baby in 2002.  Although she had a rough start at 3 months early and 2 pounds, she is a strong healthy sixteen year old today.  If you are looking for a charity support, we fully stand behind this one!

5 thoughts on “What’s a Barenaked Chef?

  1. A friend has made me some marmalade in various jars so that I can give them as a present to my brother. I simply wanted some pictures of marmalade to stick on them especially the jars where the old labels wouldn’t come off. I would be grateful if you would allow me to use your images for this purpose.

    I look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible because I will be seeing him within a couple of weeks.

  2. Hi! We do have a lot in common! I too only root for my team (Ohio State), LOVE social Media graduated in the same field but decided to turn to Real Estate; my fiance and I started traveling and Real Estate wasn’t for me anymore and decided to open my own business. But it’s funny because I also enjoy cooking and I’m always looking for things to make ALL the time. So I’m happy I came across your Twitter and Blog. I’m looking forward to checking out Recipezaar. Hope you have a great day!

  3. Hi Suzanne,
    Our family owned business is celebrating it’s 75th Anniversary this year and looking to get the word out about some of our delicious new items now available in all Food Lion stores in NC. We’d love to send you some samples of our new Slow Cooker bean soups to review. If interested, please send me your mailing address and I will have them shipped ASAP.


    Matt Huntley
    N.K. Hurst Co.

  4. Hi Suzanne,
    A friend of mine says that you are the go to person for advice on Shrimps. Now, do we grill them or boil them. I understand that shrimps need very little Love. We Love them regardless..but they are so sweet and cute….and delicious! I don’t want to be the one to mistreat them. Love you!

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